Birth team that works together makes all the difference

I have documented birth all over Philadelphia, and each one has been amazing and unique. Birth can be quick, it can take some time, it can be intense, it can be so beautiful. Sometimes it's in the home, at a birth center, a hospital; sometimes labor starts in one place and ends in another. I've seen babies born in a bed, on the floor, in a tub, on the toilet! Births can be different in small subtle ways, or big ways. But you know the one thing any happy birth has had in common?

A wonderful, supportive birth team. Birth professionals coming together, to work together, bringing their expertise and skill, to serve the family the best way they can. Whether your team consists of doctors, midwives, nurses, doulas, birth photographer, all of the above... having a team of people who really come together to support you, your partner, your baby, makes all the difference.

Your birth is exactly that - yours. It is your body, your baby, you are in charge. Whether your birth team means one person or 5, or more, your birth space should be full of people who will make you feel safe and supported.

I was asked recently if I have any images of birth teams working together, showing the community of birth, different birth professionals coming together to serve the birthing person... Why yes, yes I do, and digging through some recent birth stories to find these gems was so much fun. It's one of my favorite parts of being at a birth, actually; seeing everyone come together like this. These photos are full of midwives, nurses, doulas, partners, and (unseen me) birth photographer, all there for the singular goal of getting parent and child through labor and into each other's arms.

Newborn baby just born into mother's arms with help of birth team, midwife, doulas, husband, birth photographer, Philadelphia

Philadelphia has an amazing birth community, with some of the most incredible people I've had the honor of meeting and working with. And the number one piece of advice I give when folks ask how to put together their birth team is: find the providers that listen to you, and will help make you feel safe.

Featured in some of these photos: Lifecycle Womancare, Womanwise Midwifery, Midwifery Traditions, Midwifery Care Associates. Click here for a list of even more of our great birth providers in Philly


Placenta love letter


Home birth in a tiny Trinity