Home birth in Philly - baby number 3 born with doulas, midwives, female strength - Philadelphia Photographer

From the beginning, I knew this home birth was going to be special. My dear friend, Jordyn, was expecting her third baby. I had the honor of documenting the birth of her second son in one of the most powerful labors I had ever witnessed. There was no doubt that I wanted to be there to support this strong mama in bringing her next little one into the world.

39 weeks to the day, Jordyn's water broke early in the morning. Even after a few hours of walking, climbing stairs, and pumping, with the support of friend and doula, Joy, the meager contractions she'd been having fizzled out. So Joy and I left to give Jordyn and Jonathan some space to rest and be together.

Pregnant woman walks and pumps to induce labor, home birth photographer, Philadelphia PA

Night rolled in, and I got a text from Joy around 8pm that it was time to come back. I arrived to find Jordyn in good spirits and approaching active labor. Slowly her entire team assembled; her beloved midwife, Kathy Hindle, teacher and mentor Beth Goldberg, and Jordyn's fellow doulas Joy and Keli. Jordyn, Joy, Beth, and I all met years ago when we were teaching at a yoga studio in Philly, and we had all trained as doulas with Beth through Birth Arts International since then. To say it was incredible to be in the presence of such amazing female energy, and to see so many women I admire in action... there are not adequate words.

Pregnant woman labors surrounded by support from her husband, doulas, and midwife, Philadelphia home birth photographer

Labor began to pick up, contractions grew more intense, and during each wave, our energy focused on giving Jordyn strength. Jonathan was an amazing support, and the two of them moved through the intensity of labor together.

One of the beautiful things about home birth is the freedom to move and labor as you want. And so as Jordyn moved from the bedroom to the bathroom, back and forth, working with her body and receiving support from her team as she needed it.

Woman labors through an intense contraction with the support of her husband as her doulas watch, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Husband supports and comforts his wife as she labors through intense contractions, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Mother in labor rests between contractions while her husband, doulas, and midwives sit and chat, Philadelphia home birth photography
Mama labors in the hallway with her doulas, laughs with them, and they all focus as she has a contraction, Philadelphia home birth photography
Doula supports mom in the shower through intense contractions, Philadelphia home birth photography
Pregnant woman labors in the bathtub with husband's support, holding hands, kissing, so much emotion on her face, Philadelphia birth photographer
Portrait of a pregnant belly with henna, mom in labor at home, Philadelphia birth photographer
Overhead photo of a woman in labor getting support from her husband, doulas, and midwife, and labors on all fours, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Mom laboring in the bathroom with support from doula, and midwife while doula waits in the hallway, Philadelphia home birth photographer

Another beautiful part about home birth is the midwife who lets the laboring person go with their instincts, offering support and only really stepping in when needed. At one point, after feeling pressure for what felt to her like forever, Kathy let Jordyn know it was time to meet her baby. Back on the bed, Jordyn clutched tight to Jonathan as Kathy helped her push past the small lip of cervix left between her and her baby. With all of her power, surrounded by all of us, the room so full of love and support, Jordyn brought her baby out.

Pregnant mom clutches husband and prepares to push, as midwife and doulas support her, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Pregnant mom reaches down to deliver her baby with support of doulas, husband, and midwife, Philadelphia home birth photography
Mother pulls newborn baby to her chest, vernix, umbilical cord, doulas, husband, midwife, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Woman rests in relief as newborn baby is born, skin to skin on her chest, husband, midwife, and doulas, Philadelphia home birth photography
Midwife examines newborn baby on mom's chest as husband and wife kiss, dad looks adoringly at mom and daughter, Philadelphia home birth photography
Minutes old umbilical cord unraveling, still blue with placental blood, Philadelphia home birth photograph

Having left the baby's sex a surprise during the pregnancy, we were all excited to see if the many guesses were correct. Jonathan had the honor of making the official announcement, their first girl. The look on Jordyn's face was absolutely classic.

And so, at 1131pm on October 11, which also just so happens to be International Day of the Girl, weighing in at "only" 9 lbs 4 ozs, with a head full of hair, still iced in vernix, and eyes locked right on her mama, sweet Shoshana had joined the family.

Dad tells mom surprise gender of newborn, mom is shocked she has a daughter, husband and wife kiss, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Mama rests after giving birth to baby girl at home, still attached to placenta, Philadelphia photographer
Newborn baby girl looks at her mama while snuggled to mom's chest, skin to skin, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Newborn baby girl lies next to her placenta, umbilical cord still attached, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Mother who just gave birth rests with newborn baby on her chest as husband and midwife cut umbilical cord and doulas watch, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Newborn baby girl smiles while snuggled to mom's chest, skin to skin, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Newborn baby girl is weighed in midwife sling and her tiny feet stick out, mom, doulas, husband, and midwife look to see how much she weighs, Philadelphia home birth photographs
Father wraps newborn baby girl in a swaddle, baby looks at the camera, dad smiles, Philadelphia home birth photography
New father holds newborn baby girl, Philadelphia home birth photography
New mama poses with her friends, doulas and photographer after giving birth at home, Philadelphia PA
Newborn baby latches for the first time, breastfeeds skin to skin, mom's post partum belly with henna design, Philadelphia home birth photographer
Mama smiles and laughs as newborn baby girl nurses for the first time after being born at home, Philadelphia birth photographer

I can't say enough what a privilege it was to be part of such an incredible birth, and to be part of a cadre of women and birth workers who support and love each other and the work we do.

Jordyn and Jonathan, thank you for including me in the breathtakingly beautiful night your daughter was born.

And Shoshi, I can't wait to see you grow into a strong, passionate woman, just like your mama.


Cozy newborn photo session at home, all you need is baby - Philadelphia photographer


Philadelphia Birth Photographer, fast third baby at Lankenau Hospital, Philly PA