Hypnobirth - 5th baby born at home - Philadelphia PA photographer
Hypnobirth is one of many techniques folks in labor can use to help them during birth, and I've had the chance to witness a few families use it before. When Ebony of By Design Birth, doula and hypnobirth instructor extraordinaire, invited me to film and photograph the birth of her fifth baby... well I was excited, to say the least!
I did my weekly check in with Ebony and Chuck at week 39 around noon; heard back that she was feeling well, but no labor signs yet. I happened to be working near their home that day and thought "wouldn't it be funny if she called while I'm so close by!" Heading home I got a text from her that surges were feeling stronger, no real pattern yet, but she felt she was getting closer to labor. My birth spidey-sense kicked in and I had the feeling she'd be meeting her baby pretty soon. Sure enough, about 2 hours later I got the update that midwife Elizabeth was on her way. Less than 30 minutes later her waters had released. About 45 minutes after that she said the waves were about 4 minutes apart, and I was high tailing it to her house!
When I walked in, the house was calm and joyful. Ebony was relaxing in the bathtub with midwife Elizabeth listening to baby's heart tones. Chuck got the birth tub set up in between running dinner upstairs to their kids. Midwife Alaina arrived, as did their friend / doula. With no hose for the tub, most of the birth team got busy filling bins and pots with water for the birth tub, which was a huge comfort for mom once she got in. She relaxed into her labor, Chuck close by with soft touches and words, water to pour over her belly, and the rest of us stood by. A big part of hypnobirth is how the pain of labor is perceived and worked through, and watching Ebony use the hypnobirth techniques to breathe through each wave was really amazing. She actually seemed to be asleep at one point, just peacefully floating in the water.
Suddenly Ebony's energy shifted, her face showed concentration and effort, she changed position. With the simplest gestures she let us know what she needed, room to work her baby out. Another big part of hypnobirth is breathing the baby down and out, and she used that powerful breath to deliver his head after only a few minutes. She reached down with a smile and said the next one was it, he was almost here. A few more minutes, and a little assist from her midwife, Ebony brought her fifth baby out of the water and right to her chest. She turned to us and said "oh my gosh, I did it!" Even after doing this five times, she still had so much awe for what her body had accomplished.
After she moved to the couch and delivered the placenta, the rest of the kids came downstairs to meet their new baby brother. These beautiful babies very quickly stole the spotlight, especially the no longer youngest of the family who was so deliciously cute and was more concerned with feeding his mom grapes than with the baby that had just promoted him to big brother. Kisses all around and up to bed for the big kids, while mom settled into that sweet golden hour of rest with baby Caius snuggled in for his first breastfeeding. He started crying when it was eventually time to leave mom, but Chuck came up close to him and said "hey, you know me", and that sweet baby calmed right down and nuzzled into his dad.
This birth was filled with joy and thankfulness; someone actually commented that Ebony "thanked that baby out"! The film is below, and if you haven't had enough tears from the photos definitely go watch it. Especially towards the end, when I catch Ebony uttering one of the best things I've ever heard a new parent utter. I still laugh every time I hear it!
Hypnobirth or not, this was one I'll never forget. Thank you so much Ebony and Chuck for giving me the honor of documenting this beautiful evening for you.